Course hero is looking for part time work from home jobs to join their team of business operations and engineering.
Photo by Ben White
Post - community growth manager and senior software engineer, back end
Photo by Sincerely media
1. You need a bachelor’s or college degree. 2. Good command in English, fluency and in written and oral.
Photo by Sincerely media
1. Create a plan, manage, and use tactics & methods to recruit tutor applicants and onboard tutors.
Photo by Sincerely media
1. You have a solid understanding of object-oriented and functional programming
Photo by Sincerely media
1. Complete responsibility of one or more related parts of the platform and drive effective results at speed & quality.
Photo by Sincerely media
Course hero also allows you to leverage your free time and earn money teaching part time from home.
Photo by Sincerely media
Tutors generally can earn $1500/month helping students solve questions in their subject matter domain.
Photo by Sincerely media
Get a computer/laptop and a reliable internet connection and start teaching on course hero.
Photo by Sincerely media
1. Create your Course Hero tutor account. 2. Provide basic info and select your tutoring subject
Photo by Sincerely media
3. Upload your ID and academic credentials. 4. Get approved within 7 days and start tutoring!
Photo by Sincerely media
Welocalize work from home has invited applications for many positions i.e. linguistic tester, translator and content specialist.
Photo by Sincerely media